Monday, August 3, 2009

June...Reality Hits Hard...

The reason my blog has been un-touched for a few months is because of the bomb shell that hit us in June. On May 17th I had my yearly mammogram. I got a call when we returned home from Oregon to come get another mammogram and an ultrasound. I knew then that didn't sound good. So June 3rd I went in for my second mammo. They did what they call a "spot" mammo. They go where they suspected something and with a small round plastic disc "SMASH" YOUR BOOB AS FLAT AS THEY CAN...and you guessed it, it really hurts. Even the technician told me it would hurt! Then she had the Doctor look at the film and she walked me over to ultrasound. Told them where to search and left me there. The technician looked and then brought in another technician to look...and then gave me a piece of paper and said, "You need to have a biospsy and if they don't call you in a few days call this number". It couldn't have been more mechanical and cold!! (I have met nothing but nice people through all of my appointments dealing with this except them.)

So as Murphy's law would have it they did not call and I called for 2 days and nothing! Only answering machines. So, I called my doctor and told her what was going on and she said she would have her staff get me the appointment. Her staff called me back in 30 minutes just to report to me that they were having a hard time getting through to them too...and they have an inside number! Finally, in 2 hours they called me with an appointment.

On June 12th I went to Vallejo (Bob drove me) to have a Core Biopsy. That is where they go in with a special needle that actually cuts out small tissue pieces. The ultrasound technician is there and finds the lump and the Doctor comes in and deadens the area and they go in and he took about 9 pieaces of tissue. It makes a clicking noise as he gets it. I did not feel anything during the procedure. I felt pain afterwards though. They sent me home with an ice pack and I iceed about 6 hours on and off. I was told it would take 4 or 5 working days to get results. Of course this was a friday! (note: 5 days before the biopsy I had to quit taking Aleve that I take for pain for my arthritus...WOW was I in pain for 5 days!!!)

On June 16th my doctor called me (sooner than I thought) and said right off the bat..
"I have bad news Amelia, you have breast cancer. I am so sorry. You are such a nice person and you do not need this. This just isn't fair." I will never forget her words. She was so tender and caring. How do you tell someone they have cancer?
I feel she did a great job. I started to cry and my first thought was how do I tell Bob and my children? She explained it was very small and said how wise I was to keep up on my yearly mammograms. (note: I couldn't feel it and neither could my surgeon) She told me I had an apt. the next day with the Breast Specialist Nurse.

I got off the phone and thought, "How do I tell Bob?" Luck was on my side...Bob had
forgotten his phone that I didn't have to pretend all was well...that would have pushed my acting skills for sure! I had about 2 hours to compose myself and figure out how to tell him. When He walked in he started to explain and excuse himself for being late (he was 1 hour late)...I just looked at him and held his hands and said, it is OK...(I am thinking it gave me more time to figure this out!)
So I started: Bob,I got a call from my doctor today and she got the results from my biopsy...I have Breast Cancer. He just said, "NO..." Then we sat down and he held me as I cried and talked about what she said. I don't mean to be so graffic but not everyone know this tender side of Bob. I want his children and grandchildren to know this. I really don't remember much about that night...all I know it was a long, long, night.

So, Bob and I went to the apt.the next day and she explained all about breast cancer and how it is MY CHOICE of treatment! I never knew that. But by law I choose what I want done to me. She told me since it was so small I could have a lumpectomy followed by Radiation Therapy or a Masectomy. We felt encouraged by her words. Chemo would be decided after surgery depending how much it had spread. She gave us a folder with reading material and a great book called "I Flunked My Mammogram!" As we left the room she gave me two heart pillows she told me would help me after surgery. She said they were from the Breast Cancer Society. There was little note attached but I didn't read it then. I looked up at Bob as we walked down the hall and I said, "I am truly a cancer patient"...and more tears. Can I say right here....Bob has been a rock for me. He has held his emotions from me. I asked how he was doing one day and he said the day after we found out about my cancer he was glad he was alone driving to work. (He usually commutes with another guy from his office) I finally read the note on the pillows as I put them on my bookshelf. It said, These were handmade with love from the Sisters of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Vacaville 2nd Ward! guessed it more tears....that isn't my Ward but still a great service they rendered.

June 26th the total results were back from my biopsy stating that my HER-gene was negative and my hormones were positive. So I will be on a special drug to suppress my estrogen and progesterone. Cancer thrives on hormones...especially estrogen. This will be a drug I will take for 5 years. But, again it will save my life. That is how I am looking at all I have to go through...SAVE MY LIFE!

On July 2nd Bob and I met my surgeon Dr. Lim. We really liked him and he has done
Breast cancer surgeries for 20 years. He set the date (first opening) for July 17th.
so if you see my first date of this...May 19th for my mammogram it was a 2 month ordeal of the first steps.

Also in June we had our son, Paul and 3 granddaughters have birthdays, Ryann and Addison Jones, and Makayla Fawson. My parents had their 67th wedding anniversary, and my sister Mayna had a birthday. Chelsea Sweaney who is Bob's sisters daughter turned 18 on the 14th chose to get baptized on the 20th of June. We are so proud of her. We would have been there if I wasn't going to all these appointments! Bob's Mom came and stayed with us from the 21 of June to the 28th. Jim, Bob's brother, oldest daughter Jeenifer and John got sealed in the Oakland Temple on the 27th of June. That was so good to attend that event. I have enclosed a picture of that event.

After seeing all that went on in June can you see why I had no time to write??!!

Finally I can update...

I know I left off my blog at Mother's is now August! Time is really flying by. I have too much to fill in that is important since I am using my blog as my journal. SO I will continue and finish each month...

After Mother's Day I helped with a Ward Activity. I was sustained this month to be a member of the Activities Committee...we had "Its a Small World" and served foods from around the world. The cultural hall was decorated with flags (big ones) from all around the world. Our chairman had a connection with the Oakland Temple pageant and borrowed all the flags they use at the end when the kids march down the isles with them. The pageant is no longer being done so it wasn't hard to use them. It was a great evening...I realized I didn't know too many flags since we all tried to name them all.

Memorial Weekend Bob and I went to Oregon to see my sister, Dottie and her husband Jerry. We just drove our truck. We went half way to Medford Thursday night (Bob got off a little early). It was a gorgeous drive to Portland. They live outside of Portland in Clackamus. We had a GREAT weekend! We all enjoy playing Hand, Knee and Foot. They are the ones who got Bob and I hooked on it and since then we have all our kids playing it too! At first it was Hand and Foot we learned from them and then they learned the triple version of the game. Dottie has two black concert grand Steinways in her Living Room. She had unpacked all her music and found some duets for us to play. We are the only two sisters who play the piano in our family. And we both teach piano lessons! We had more fun and laughs playing the duets. Then I went with her to her church and gave her a lesson on the organ. They have just one Sister in their Ward who plays the organ and she was to move in the summer.
I had brought a piano/organ duet for us to practice that one day we will play at our parents funeral. WE actually ended up playing it for prelude in their Sacrament meeting. I actually played the organ since their organist was sick. When I visited her in Alaska I played for Sacrament meeting too...I see a pattern!

The month ended with us attending a dear friends 60th Birthday/Retirement party. It was for Roy Spiker and he and his wife have moved to Middletown from Fairfield about 8 years ago. It was fun to see familiar faces and to see them again. I have included some pictures...enjoy.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

I have never had a Mother's Day like this one! It was a great weekend. Bob and
I went camping in our Motor Home. The first time out with the RV. We had to try
it and see how it all worked. Bob's brother Dick and his wife Yvonne went with us.
They took their trailor they just bought. So we had a trial weekend with our rigs.
We went to Woodson Bridge RV Park. It is outside Corning, California and is on the Sacramento River. Our site was shady and on the side of the river bank. Although, it was a steep ledge down to the didn't go down to see the river from our camp sites. The office had a trail down with a dock for boats. It was fun to sit and watch the river flow with fish jumping! We enjoyed playing games (we got them hooked on Hand, Knee and Foot) and the women "beat" the men good!!

We made a list of things we needed and things we forgot! So it was a great break in trip. The best part? RIDING in the MOTOR HOME....I laid on the couch all the way home!!!! THIS IS THE LIFE... (the picture of the bed I am showing because I finished the curtains...the other picture showed the old curtains)

Granddaughter's Blessing

What a beautiful thing to witness when your son blesses his daughter. In this case David's third daughter!! We went to Sacramento on May 3rd (which happens to be a special date for Bob and I...he returned home from his mission on that day...and that was the first time we met in person! It was 36 years ago, to be exact!!) to
attend David's Fast Meeting.
Julie's parents were there along with Christy, Chris,and kids. I was able to make Samantha Grace her blessing dress. I hope I am able to do that for all my Granddaughters. I have made 9 now. I just didn't do Alison's and Kyles's. My mother wanted to buy her first great-granddaughter's dress and Kylee wore Angela's blessing dress. Sounds like I will start on another scrapbook of all the blessing dresses! I have made 3 baptism dresses so far and so I have more down the road with those. These are my favortie things to sew right now.

After the blessing we had a great lunch at David's and of course a fun time visiting.
We have missed just one blessing of our grandchildren. That was Alyssa's, Angela's second daughter. They lived in Texas at that time. But...we made it to her baptism!
We hope we can attend all of those too. This is when being a grandparent is the BEST!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Piano Recital

I had a fun Piano recital on April 30th. I had it in our home since I teach
just 12 students. I invited only parents and we fit fine. A mother made the
cutest cake for our refreshments. I included a picture of it. My theme was
"Bach to Rock". Each student played a Classical selection and a Rock song.
The Rock songs turned out to be the hardest to learn. I had to simplyfy alot
of the songs since I have quite a few beginners. Well...that is over for
another year!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Request for Inside Pictures

Well, here they are...some pictures of the inside of our Motor Home!
I just need to make new curtains in the bedroom and I am through
shopping for the RV. Bob cleaned and cleaned all day Saturday.
He shampooed the carpets over and over. We will probably replace
it next year. I was having fun buying things for the kitchen and
bath. (Some of the things I shopped from my own kitchen!) I am not walking
really well so I would go to one store and come home and rest...then
go to another store...come home and rest...if you know me I "love"
to shop so that was very frustrating for me! So, April hasn't ended
so bad after all...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

April is flying by...

Bob and I enjoyed the first weekend going to David and Julie's. Julie had classes and so David asked us to come up and help him with the girls. We enjoyed Conference as well as his family. Samantha is just a "doll"!!

We had David's family down on Saturday the day before Easter. Christy and family went snowboarding with Chris's family (probably more fun!) I had an Easter egg hunt for the girls in the house since we had rain all that week and the yard was wet.

I led my choir on Easter Sunday and then Bob and I headed for the airport. I flew in a week early for Angela's daughter, Alyssa's baptism. Bob joined us on Friday.
I was able to visit and go to lunch with Catherine, my sister on Monday. She was out attending meetings at BYU and helping her daughter make plans for June semester.

I went to see my parents for two days. I was able to take my Mother to the Doctor and play games with my Dad. They live with my sister and my other sister came by with her family for me to visit with. It was fun to see everyone! My parents also came up to Alyssa's baptism. My mother lead the many children can say their Great Grandmother lead the music at their baptism? Bob was a witness and gave a pray. I played the piano and gave a talk on the Holy Ghost. It was a beautiful baptism. One picture is Alyssa with my parents...she is in her dress I made for her to be baptized in...the other picture with Bob and I is the dress for church. Angela is having her girls all wear the same baptism dress and so I just make one new one for each girl to have for church.

So, now I am getting ready for my piano recital that will be in our home on the 30th of April. I am excited for this year's theme..."Bach to Rock". I always have themes for my recitals. Since I only have 12 students they are playing a classical song and a rock and roll song. They are doing great!

I will try to put a picture on...(not sure really how to put in on in the place I want it) Bob got a dream last night he has wanted for a long time (no, his wife didn't get 30 years younger!!) We bought a motor home! We have been looking for 4 months for a trailer to pull behind our Ridgeline. And the light trailers are so small. Then we noticed on Craig's List that older motor homes were in the same price range. We would go see them and they were for the most part so trashed. BUT we saw one two days ago and it looked so good! It is a 31 ft. has only 30,000 miles on it that impressed Bob. So now Bob has a project. He loves to fix things (not much to do really). And I can do new curtains and bed set. I guess if things get bad we can always live in it!!!!

So that is our April of 2009!