Thursday, April 23, 2009

April is flying by...

Bob and I enjoyed the first weekend going to David and Julie's. Julie had classes and so David asked us to come up and help him with the girls. We enjoyed Conference as well as his family. Samantha is just a "doll"!!

We had David's family down on Saturday the day before Easter. Christy and family went snowboarding with Chris's family (probably more fun!) I had an Easter egg hunt for the girls in the house since we had rain all that week and the yard was wet.

I led my choir on Easter Sunday and then Bob and I headed for the airport. I flew in a week early for Angela's daughter, Alyssa's baptism. Bob joined us on Friday.
I was able to visit and go to lunch with Catherine, my sister on Monday. She was out attending meetings at BYU and helping her daughter make plans for June semester.

I went to see my parents for two days. I was able to take my Mother to the Doctor and play games with my Dad. They live with my sister and my other sister came by with her family for me to visit with. It was fun to see everyone! My parents also came up to Alyssa's baptism. My mother lead the many children can say their Great Grandmother lead the music at their baptism? Bob was a witness and gave a pray. I played the piano and gave a talk on the Holy Ghost. It was a beautiful baptism. One picture is Alyssa with my parents...she is in her dress I made for her to be baptized in...the other picture with Bob and I is the dress for church. Angela is having her girls all wear the same baptism dress and so I just make one new one for each girl to have for church.

So, now I am getting ready for my piano recital that will be in our home on the 30th of April. I am excited for this year's theme..."Bach to Rock". I always have themes for my recitals. Since I only have 12 students they are playing a classical song and a rock and roll song. They are doing great!

I will try to put a picture on...(not sure really how to put in on in the place I want it) Bob got a dream last night he has wanted for a long time (no, his wife didn't get 30 years younger!!) We bought a motor home! We have been looking for 4 months for a trailer to pull behind our Ridgeline. And the light trailers are so small. Then we noticed on Craig's List that older motor homes were in the same price range. We would go see them and they were for the most part so trashed. BUT we saw one two days ago and it looked so good! It is a 31 ft. has only 30,000 miles on it that impressed Bob. So now Bob has a project. He loves to fix things (not much to do really). And I can do new curtains and bed set. I guess if things get bad we can always live in it!!!!

So that is our April of 2009!

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