Tuesday, March 3, 2009

"Sleepless in Vacaville"

It doesn't quite have the ring as "Sleepless in Seattle"....but this is the story of my life. I came back on the blog and wondered why the final printing is so cut up. I don't know why it is doing it...so give me help you bloggers...

Since this is my journal of happenings in the World of Bob and Amelia I need to back up a few months...January came in with Paul, Nikki, and kids with us from Christmas Day. We had a great time having them here. Bob's birthday wound up the month since it is on the 30th. He has been worried with the economy if he would have his job for long and so we were saving and thinking of ways to cut back. He said if he had the "series" of Hogan Heroes and Home Improvement we wouldn't need cable! So I ordered the series of Hogan Heroes and gave it to him for his birthday. David and Julie gave him one season of Home Improvement...so to the rest of you kids you can buy him the other seasons and he will have a complete set!

January for me was a month of results of tests that I took in December....Neurology was running more tests on me trying to figure out why I am having problems again walking, pain in leg flared up, and my back killing me. They found I was low in Vitamin D and that I have arthritis in my back. I had been in Physical Therapy since November...and I have found some relief but not totally. Since I have so many allergies to medications I can't take any drugs for pain.

So, then into February I still do PT and then I was told I have sleep apnea. So again, trying to get used to the mask is tough...the first mask I was allergic too...the second one I was too...but I took it to my Alternative Medical Doctor in Oakland and he cleared me so I could use it. But to use it I felt better if I reclined and not lay down. But sitting more than 2 hours was my limit. I was told I have to wear it for 4 hours or I have to turn the machine in...so I turned it in. The bottom line is I have to LOSE weight. The story of my life after giving birth to kids. They won't see me at PT anymore. they said they have done their limit of visits for me and that I am not responding!!! I have met with my doctor and we are trying to decide on a plan best for me.

So, I have caught you up on the first two months of 2009!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the life of a blogger and the frustrations that can come with it when your blog does or doesn't do what it is suppose too!I should have known you would have had a music background. Looks great!
